Adult Choking Mannequin With Carrying Bag
The Adult Choking Manikin with Carrying Bag works on the principle of clearing a blocked airway with forced air generated with proper procedure, abdominal thrusts or blows to the back.
Once the object is lodged in the airway, the student must use the anatomical landmarks to decide where to place their hands and decide how much pressure is required to perform the maneuver. With the proper force applied, students are rewarded with visual confirmation of an ejected object.


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Manikins include rib cage, xiphoid process, suprasternal notch to provide anatomic reference, foreign body for airway obstruction, sleeve, and soft carry bag.

The manikin should only be used to practice obstructed airway maneuvers. A properly delivered push with sufficient force will dislodge the choking object. Once the object is dislodged from the base of the airway passage, it may be necessary to turn the manikin upside down and apply more thrusts to remove the asphyxiating object from the manikin's mouth.

Información Técnica

• Size: 30 "x 17" x 10 ".

• Shipping weight 16 lbs.

Simulaids choking manikins representing different age groups are designed for the practice of clearing an obstructed airway caused by a foreign body.

Constructed of durable vinyl plastic, they include a rib cage, sternum, and xiphoid process landmarks that show proper hand placement areas for practicing the physical maneuvers required to dislodge objects. Abdominal or thoracic thrusts cause the obstruction to be expelled. The choking mannequins, with the exception of the child mannequin number 1640, come with two objects; a round ball and a silicone cord representing a piece of meat. The child mannequin comes with a round ball.



1. Choose one of the choking objects to hang around the manikin's neck on the rope provided.

2. Remove other choking objects from the neck so they do not interfere and / or become entangled with the movement of the chosen object.

3. Place the chosen choking object in the manikin's mouth.

4. Use a finger to gently push the choking object toward the back of the airway so that it is positioned at the bottom of the airway.
