10 other products:
Herpetological Bags for Snake and Animal Capture
Made of fabric for greater resistance for handling animals such as snakes, rodents or bats. Durable and easy to wash. Available with lanyard for belaying.
Herpetological Forceps To Capture Snakes Jaws 2 ¼ Inch
Test results have shown that the 2 ¼ inch wide jaws eliminate stress in many situations, allowing animals to be handled in a more relaxed state compared to other grippers currently available in the reptile industry. Some species that react...
Professional Titanium Field Hook For Snake Capture 45 "
The new professional field hook is designed to help you flip rocks, boards, tin and other items in the field. You will be amazed at the strength of this lightweight tool. Only 9 oz. It comes with a super grip knurled end.
Meerkat Leggings Against Snake Bite
Surveyors, geologists, agronomists, biologists, hunters, explorers, well drillers, ranchers, campers, field workers, or anyone who is going to do outdoor activities in areas of possible encounter with poisonous snakes.
Folding Herpetological Forceps For Snake Capture
NEW 40-inch folding clamp. It has the highest quality folding components available. The only folding tweezers available, it has now been upgraded to a more user-friendly, high-quality precision tool that will amaze you with its looks and...
Double Snake Catch Hook Blood Pythons and Gaboon Vipers
Designed to lift wide-bodied snakes. The double hook design is an excellent hook for Blood Pythons, Gaboon Vipers, and many more heavy bodied snakes.
Hexarmor ANSI / ISEA Level A7 and CE Level 5 Anti Cut Leggings
Cut, puncture and abrasion resistant HexArmor® sheets protect your body from high risk hazards in the workplace.
Herpetological Hooks Stainless Steel For Snake Capture Aluminum Hook 2 1/4 "
The hook insert is made from a solid anodized aircraft grade aluminum rod - you can choose from 3 different colors.
Mongoose Chaps Anti Snake Bite Leggings
It is a personal protective equipment "PPE" that has been elaborated with strict quality controls that guarantee your protection and safety to prevent the bite of a poisonous snake. Provides thigh-high protection and is suitable for poisonous...
Product Comments

Lyophilized Anticoral Anticoral Serum
• Form: Sterile lyophilized powder to be reconstituted as an injectable solution.
• Presentation: Box of two type I glass vials of Polyvalent Lyophilized Anticoral Anticoral Serum, two 10 ml sterile water for injection ampoules, a 10 ml sterile syringe and an insert.
• Formula: Immunoglobulins of equine origin with a high content of neutralizing antibodies to the venom. Immunoglobulins of equine origin with a high content of neutralizing antibodies to the venom.
• Active principles: Each 10ml of reconstituted Lyophilized Polyvalent Anticoral Anticoral Serum contains immunoglobulins of equine origin that neutralize at least: Micruric Poison 1mg. Excipients: Sodium chloride: 105.0 mg. Phenol 17.5 mg. Sterile water for injection qs 10 ml.
• Polyvalent antivenoms are not chemical-pharmaceutical products. They are biological, therefore, they are not characterized by their chemical composition but by their therapeutic properties.
• Storage: Does not require refrigeration. Keep in a cool dark place. Keep out of the reach of children. Dispose of surpluses.
Lyophilized Polyvalent Antivenom Serum
• Form: lyophilized powder for injection.
• Composition: Each vial of Lyophilized Polyvalent Antivenom Serum reconstructed with 10 ml of sterile water for injection contains Immunoglobulins of equine origin capable of neutralizing at least the venom of: Bothrops atrox venom 25 mg, Bothrops asper venom 25 mg, Bothrops asper venom 25 mg, Lachesis muta 10 mg, Crotalus durissus venom 5 mg.
• Indications: Immunoglobulins of equine origin with a high content of neutralizing antibodies to the venom of snakes of the Bothrops, Lachesis and Crotalus genera.
• Presentation: The serum is packaged in type I glass bottles, suitable for injectable drugs. Box of two vials of Polyvalent Lyophilized Anti-Ophidic Serum, two 10 ml sterile water ampoules and a 10 ml sterile syringe.
• Storage: Does not require refrigeration. Store at a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C in its original container and packaging. Keep out of the reach of children. Dispose of surpluses.
Polyvalent Antivipmyn Antivipmyn Polyvalent Pharmaceutical
• Form: lyophilized ANTIVIPMYN for solution for injection is presented in a box with 1 lyophilized vial. The Ampula bottle with lyophilisate contains polyvalent antivenom with neutralizing capacity of 780 LD50 of dehydrated venom of Bothrops sp, 220 LD50 of dehydrated poison of Crotalus sp and 200 LD 50 Lachesis sp.
• Indications: Antivipmyn Tri antivipmyn polyvalent antivenom, indicated for the treatment of poisoning by bite of:
> Crotalus, commonly known as: Tziripa, saye, tropical rattlesnake, shunu, tzab-can, etc.
> Bothrops, commonly known as: Nauyaca, four noses, yellow beard, velvet, mapana, toboba, bone tail, royal nauyaca, river nauyaca, chatilla nauyaca, lever, lever lora, tepoch, ergot, nescascuatl, torito, chac- can, etc.
> Agkistrodon, commonly known as: Cantil, zolcuate, mocasín, cantil de agua, castellana, cumcoatl, metapil, puchucuate, volpoch, etc.
> Sistrurus or nine-plate rattlesnake.
> Lachessis, commonly known as: Lora machaco, mute rattlesnake, rieca, warty, sururucucú, lorita, patoco, patuquillo.
These snakes produce venom (toxin) that can cause serious injuries and even death. Antivipmyn Tri is a product to neutralize the venom of these snakes.
Información Técnica
Viperid Venom Considerations:
• The poisons of snakes, whose function is to paralyze and digest food, are heterogeneous mixtures of multiple compounds with biological activity. From a biochemical point of view, compounds in snake venom can be grouped into phospholipases A2, crotamin-type motoxins, enzymes that affect the blood coagulation system, kallikreins, and compounds that interfere with acetylcholine at neuromuscular junctions. The overall effect of the venom observed in the patient depends on the amount of venom injected by the snake, as well as the proportion of the various components of the venom. In such a way that in patients poisoned by viperid venom they present coagulation disorders, local tissue damage, myonecrosis and neurotoxicity in variable proportions. In general, snake venom exerts local effects such as edema, myonecrosis, dermonecrosis, local thrombosis, etc .; or at the systemic level such as alterations in the coagulation cascade (inhibition of thrombin, inhibition of activated factor V, fibrinolysis), activation of bradykinins by kallikreins (arterial hypotension due to vasodilation, pain, increased capillary permeability), altering function of the neuromuscular junctions. If after the snake bite, any of the following signs or symptoms are observed, the rapid administration of Antivipmyn 'Tri and transfer to the nearest Hospital or Clinic is recommended:
• Traces of fangs (commonly in pairs). Pain, redness and inflammation around the bitten area, of variable intensity that can even spread to the affected limb. Nausea and vomiting
• Blisters with opal or bloody liquid content. Numbness around the mouth. Hemorrhage of variable intensity both from the bite holes, as well as from the mouth, nose or anus. Presence of blood in the urine. Coagulation tests and other altered laboratory determinations.
• Request Technical Data Sheet for complete information on each of the serums of your interest, remember that they have contraindications and restrictions for different states.